Let’s congratulate Lea, Lucie and Etienne for getting their black belt!!

Let’s congratulate Lea, Lucie and Etienne for getting their black belt!!
Dear Master Kim, Happy Birthday to you in the name of all athletes and the board!!
After having gotten the permission to restart in-person training in our hall again, we will resume doing so starting 12th January at 5 pm!
Check the groups on this link. Strict adherence to all the laws and regulations is required by all the members!
Check our training menu to get the link to our next virtual training!
Virtual training links are updated in the Training menu.
According to the latest decision of the Luxembourg government to extend the current restrictions concerning Covid 19, all in-person training activities remain cancelled until January 15, 2021.
If you are interested, we will propose 3 virtual training sessions during the next school holiday. The details will be posted soon on the virtual training page.
In spite of this development, we wish you happy holiday seasons and we hope to see you in January.
Following the new government guidance, it has been decided to cancel our in-person training until December 15.
Unless further restrictions from the government, our training session will restart on December 17 per the rules that have been set up until today.
To make up for lost training sessions, Mr. Kim will host training on December 19, 29 and 31.
Hello, the groups for the in-person training are made, please visit our in-person training page to know your assigned training day.
Following the latest development of the sanitary situation in Luxembourg, we can resume in-person training although in a slightly different format.
Training inside is allowed for up to 3 groups of 4 who do not interact with each other. In order to comply with this rule, all groups will be divided by 2 as followed:
Group 1, white belts will train on Tuesdays from 5 pm to 6 pm, and yellow belts will train on Thursdays from 5 pm to 6 pm.
Group 2, please select your preferred training day by filling out this Doodle.
Group 3, please select your preferred training day by filling out this Doodle.
Once the groups are assigned, they will be published under the training section. Please respect your selected day and only come to training on that day.
Hello, please do not forget there is no training next week (Week of November 2, 2020) as this is a school holiday.