Hello, the sparring session of this Saturday is cancelled.

Sparring training
Dear TaeKwonDo members,
From Saturday October 2nd 2021, Taekwondo Club Junglinster offers our members a sparring training every Saturday morning.
This training is intended for the fight and the preparation of any competitions. It takes place in the multifunctional hall “Op Fréinen” from 10:00 to 12:00 and will be supervised by Kevin Alves Ferreira, 2nd Dan. This training is accessible to all members with min 1 year of experience, or holders of min yellow belt without age restriction. Thank you for letting us know if you are interested. You may also just come to try it out!
For any question do not hesitate to contact us on “info@tkd-junglinster.lu“
In the expectation of seeing many of you, we wish you a good week.
Sports greetings,
Government Voucher
As many of you have asked, we need to inform you that the voucher from the government is only valid for the enrollment of new members. This means to be eligible, one must not be affiliated with FLAM (Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Arts Martiaux).
Unfortunately, the fact of re-enrolling for a new season does not meet the criteria for the voucher as current members are already affiliated with FLAM.
The pictures of our belt exam are available in our photo gallery!
The re-registration for next season is open now! Please book your spot until 06.07.2021 at the very latest. After this date any open spot will be given to the next in line of our substantive waitinglist!
If you know already, that you don’t wish to continue with Taekwondo, please let us know via mail as soon as possible, so we can plan accordingly.
Next season we will see some major changes. In fact, after decades of dedicated work in our club, Master Kim will retire in January. He might come to assist the training up to a few times per month or during special opportunities.
As such we are happy to announce that from next season on we will collaborate with Mr Kevin Alves, 2nd Dan. We have known Kevin well since he was part of the trainer team during last years’ training camps and belt exams.
This year’s belt exam will take place on 26th June. Mr Kim himself decides who is admitted to the exam. The candidates will receive an invitation to the belt exam shortly before. The fees will need to be paid for either using digicash, or cash. The details will be given in due time.
Normal group training
Dear members
Finally there is some good news! We were just informed that from now on, we are allowed to accept up to 20 persons in our training facility! This means that we can accept all the members both on Tuesdays and Thursdays again!
So, from today, 4th May 2021 on, you are free to come train again on both days! Please be reminded, that social distancing and the basic sanitary measures are still in force!
Have a great day at Taekwondo!
Easter 2021 Training camp
The registration for our Easter training camp is open, please visit our event page to register.
Due to Covid situation, places are limited.
General Assembly March 22, 2021
Our next General Assembly will be held on March 22 at 20:30 on Zoom.
If you would like to participe, please join us by clicking on the link below on the day and time of the meeting or click here for the invitation.
We hope to see you there!
TKD Committee
Meeting ID: 716 2454 9815
Passcode: TKD