1) Punctuality: our training sessions start on time! The athletes should be at the dojang (training facility) 5 minutes   prior to the scheduled start of the session.

 2) Bowing: when entering and leaving the dojang the athlete shows respect

 3) Greeting: the athlete greets every peer as well as the coach

 4) Respect: the athlete shows respect to everyone and everything

 5) Cleanliness: the athlete wears a clean and ironed Dobok

 6) Jewelry: the athlete does NOT wear jewelry for the risk of injuries. This applies especially to piercings!

 7) Long hair: the athlete should have his/her long her bound together or in a bun

 8) Swearing: the dojang is a place of respect. Therefore there is NO swearing! 


1) Barefoot or Taekwondo shoes – NO common sneakers, there is a risk of injuries!

2) Dobok, or if not available yet, a long pair of sports trousers and a white T-shirt